Plastic surgery: Are men increasingly embracing aesthetic procedures?

Plastic surgery: Are men increasingly embracing aesthetic procedures?

“Metron” by Dr Alexandre Dionys

Plastic surgery: Are men increasingly embracing aesthetic procedures?

With the demand for aesthetic surgeries on a steady growth, the newest and fast-growing customer base is men, across ages and professional standings.

But why are men pursuing aesthetic procedures? According to a 2014 Harvard University study, men who were deemed good-looking were 36% more likely to be successful than urattractive ones!

As highlighted in a previous interview of mine in Khaleej Times, the way men are depicted on magazine covers, it’s impossible not to feel pressured into looking a certain way! The men coming in for aesthetic procedures can be broken into four main categories — the Models, the Bodybuilders, the CEOs and the Athletic dads.


Aesthetic Procedures mostly sought after by men

THE MODEL ·       High-definition abs using targeted liposuction to remove fat around abdominal muscles

·       Pectoral implants

·       Gluteal implants

·       Rhinoplasty

·       Otoplasty

·       Jaw redefinition

THE BODYBUILDER ·       Muscular definition using precise surgery

·       Pectoral Implants

·       Buttock implants

·       Gynecomastla treatment

*Procedures require more care if individual has used performance enhancers or steroids

THE BOARD MEMBER/CEO ·       Treating wrinkles and bags around the eyes (blephatoplasty)

·       Neck lift

·       Botox

·       Liposuction




·       Jaw redefinition

·       Liposuction

·       Botox

·       Neck lift

·       Hair transplant

·       Blepharoplasty


In fact, a lot of men are undergoing such procedures because of their work: either to secure a job or to keep the ones that they already have. As workplaces hire more and more young people to project youthful exuberance as part of the company image or brand, older men start feeling the pressure to fit in. A big part of it, of course, is just plain vanity, and men and women in Dubai are definitely more image conscious.

Most importantly though, there is a cultural spin, with plastic surgery, both invasive and non-invasive, becoming more acceptable for men, which is widedy evident around the globe. At the end of the day, plastic surgery offers hope to people. Psychological health is connected to physical health. appearance and well-being. Aesthetic procedures help men feel better about how they look and that helps them feel better about themselves as a whole!

Hence, why not go for it?


Brotox before & after



Neck lift – before & after



Hair transplant – before & after

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