Blepharoplasty In Dubai

Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, is an aesthetic surgical procedure of the eyelids aiming to correct unsightly aspects, whether due to heredity or age. It can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids alone, or all four at the same time. The goal of a blepharoplasty is to correct signs of aging and remove the tired look due to the heavy eyelids by a more rested, relaxed appearance.

This technique may be carried out alone or in association with other aesthetic facial surgery (brow-lift, forehead-lift, face- and neck-lift). These procedures can be carried out during the same operation or in two stages.

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Dr. Alexandre Dionys M.d., Ph.d.

  • 30+ Years, 15,000+ Aesthetic Surgeries.
  • Over 500 Research Publications.
  • Licensed Globally.
  • SLR, SLIT, FABS, MALF, MIGS techniques innovator.
  • Trained in France, Switzerland, Canada.
  • PhD, expert in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Microsurgery.
  • Global pioneer in advanced Body Contouring and Facial Plastic Surgery.

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The unsightly aspects most commonly found are the following:

  • Drooping heavy upper eyelids, with a more or less marked skin-fold.
  • Lower eyelids which have drooped and shrunk, leading to horizontal wrinkles due to distended skin.
  • Bulging fat, responsible for ‘bags under the eyes’ at the lower eyelid level, or sagging upper eyelids.

The procedure aims to correct these problems durably by surgical removal of excess skin, fat and muscle, without affecting the normal functions of the eyelids. It should be noted that other age-related problems may be present, the treatment of which necessitates techniques more complex than standard blepharoplasty, or requires supplementary surgery. These problems include sagging of the eyebrows, forehead wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes, dark rings under the eyes, ‘hollow’ eyes, ‘sad’ eyes with down-turned corners, and also skin blemishes and minor scars.

The procedure, for both men and women, is often carried out around the age of forty. It can however be done much earlier where the problem is congenital rather than age-related, for example in the case of bags under the eyes.

Before the operation

Prior to the operation a thorough examination of the eyes and eyelids is carried out in order to detect any anomalies which could complicate the procedure or indeed show that it is not recommended in the specific case. A specialized ophthalmologic examination will often be prescribed to rule out any ocular pathology. A preoperative check-up will be carried out as prescribed.

An anesthesiologist will see you in consultation at the latest 48 hours before the operation. No aspirin-based medication should be taken during the 10 days preceding the operation. For certain types of anesthesia you may be required to fast (neither eat nor drink) for six hours before the operation.

Hospital Facilities

Our state of the art facilities are designed for premium plastic surgery services, making use of advanced technologies and enabling the application of innovative techniques.

Our patients benefit from the latest advancements in aesthetic surgery procedures, which ensure minimal downtime and optimal results.

Our facilities are equipped with cutting edge technologies and provide a comforting environment, focusing on delivering not just transformative plastic surgery solutions but also a superior patient experience. The dedicated staff, from the doctors to support personnel, is committed to maintaining the highest standards of patient care, making Dr. Alexandre a top choice for high-quality plastic surgery services in a sophisticated setting.

The procedure

  • Upper eyelids: They are concealed in the fold situated at the mid-point of the eyelid, between the mobile and fixed parts.
  • Lower eyelids: They are 1 to 2mm below the eyelashes, and can go slightly beyond them.

The line of these incisions corresponds of course to the position of the scars, which will therefore be hidden in folds of skin.

For the lower eyelids, in the case of isolated “bags” (without excess skin to be removed), a blepharoplasty can be carried out by the transconjunctival approach, that is by using incisions placed inside the eyelids, thus leaving no visible scars.

Once the incision made, unsightly excess fat is removed, as are redundant muscle and sagging skin. At this stage, numerous appropriate adjustments can be made in order to tailor the procedure to the specific needs of the patient.

Stitches are made using very fine non-absorbable thread (they are removed a few days after the procedure).

The operation can take between 1 and 2 hours depending on the specific requirements and complexity of the case.

After the operation

There is no actual pain, but possibly some discomfort with a sensation of tension in the eyelids, slight irritation of the eyes and perhaps some blurring of vision.

During the first few days rest is advised, with no physical strain, no lifting heavy weights for example. During the recovery period there will be edema (swelling), and bruising, to a variable degree for each individual patient. For the first few days it may be impossible to close the eyes completely, a slight detachment of the external angle of the eye may also be observed, but in both cases these signs are rapidly reversible.

The sutures will be removed between the 3rd and 6th day after surgery. Visible signs of the operation will diminish little by little, a return to normal social and professional activities will be possible after 6 to 20 days. The scars may remain as pinkish lines for the first few weeks, but can be hidden by makeup from the 7th day onward. Slight hardening of the detached zones may persist for a few months, but is not perceptible to others.

The result

The final aspect will not be visible before 2 to 3 months. This is the time lapse necessary for the tissues to regain their softness and for the scars to heal and practically disappear.

The results of this procedure are usually among the most durable found in aesthetic surgery. Once the fatty pads removed they do not in general return, so this is a permanent effect. On the other hand skin does continue to age and the excess folds of the eyelids can, over time, recur. However a second operation is rarely envisaged within twelve years.

Any disappointing results usually emanate from a misunderstanding concerning what can reasonably be achieved. For example lowering of the forehead and eyebrows can only be corrected by a forehead- and brow-lift.  They can also be due to unexpected tissue reaction or unusual scarring phenomena.

Very fine lines may persist, the eyes may appear slightly too ‘hollow’ (the bony outline of the eye-socket being visible). Other imperfect results could be a slight downward retraction of the lower eyelids, slight asymmetry, or ‘whitish’ scars.

These imperfections can be remedied by corrective surgery if necessary, usually under local anesthesia from the 6th month following surgery

Possible complications

Blepharoplasty, even if performed for aesthetic reasons, is a genuine surgical procedure, with the consequent risks related to all medical acts. There are surgical and aesthetic complications. Concerning anesthesia, the anesthesiologist will inform you about all the anesthetic risks. You must be aware that anesthesia can sometimes cause unpredictable body reactions that can be difficult to control. The presence of an experienced anesthesiologist, in a surgical environment, means that the risks are statistically negligible.

Complications are rare following a blepharoplasty which has been carried out correctly. In fact practically all the operations go well and patients are completely satisfied with the result. In spite of the fact that complications are so rare you must be aware of the following possible problems:

  • Hematomas: not usually serious, they can be drained if necessary.
  • Infections: extremely rare for this procedure, micro-abscesses can develop on stitches but are easily treated. Conjunctivitis will be prevented by routine prescription of eye-drops for the first few days after the procedure.
  • Abnormal scarring: this is very rare for the eyelids where the skin usually heals leaving almost no trace of surgery; the scars can however sometimes be more pronounced than hoped.
  • Epidermal cysts: they can appear along the scars, but often clear spontaneously, if not they can easily be removed and do not affect the final result.
  • Lacrymal problems: excessive tear production is a rarer problem than ‘dry eye syndrome’ which can decompensate a pre-existing lack of tear production.
  • Ptosis: (Drooping of the upper eyelid): this is very rare except in the over 70 are where a pre-existing problem can be made worse by the operation.
  • Lagophthalmos: (inability to close the upper eyelid completely): this can occur for the first few days after surgery but should not persist after a few weeks.
  • Ectropion: (lower eyelid retraction): the severe form is extremely rare following this procedure when it is carried out correctly. The minor form can occur when lax tissue is affected by excessive scar retraction; it usually recedes after several weeks of regular massage which improves the tonus of the eyelids.

My Way ….  “Metron Ariston”

The periorbital area is a complex and dynamic area that is dramatically influenced by aging. Blepharoplasty (Eyelid lift) thus plays a crucial role in facial rejuvenation.

Carrying out periorbital aesthetic surgery requires profound knowledge of orbital anatomy, physiology, and periorbital aesthetics, in order to obtain optimal aesthetic and functional results.

In designated cases, I use a Scar-less technique without external scars in lower lids.

This webpage aims to provide some information about the subject. Individual patient circumstances may differ, which might alter both the advice and course of therapy given to you by your doctor.


American Society of Plastic SurgeonsBritish Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic SurgeonsFrench Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery